The air in my house is HOW much dirtier than the outside?

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Unlike the air outside, it's much easier for the air inside your home to stagnate and pick up pollutants from a variety of sources. Due to an abundance of common household contaminants like bacteria, viruses, and fungi, your indoor air quality can be up to five times worse than that of the outdoors. Consequently, it's critical that your HVAC systems operate at full capacity to effectively treat your indoor air and minimize air quality risks like respiratory disease.

Central Alabama residents and business owners need professional-grade air quality solutions that only pros like Active Air can deliver! Whether you're part of a sensitive group, like those living with allergies and asthma, or you're a concerned new parent, indoor air quality should be a top priority. Let's talk today about Active Air's broad range of products that can help combat Alabama's humid climate and the contaminants it can introduce into your air.

Reach out to Active Air today for your free estimate!

Factory-Authorized Experts

We won’t install anything in your home unless we’re willing to install it in ours, so we focus on dealing with the best names in the business. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions or comments about any of our parts, suppliers, or partners. We always love to talk.